2. How do I test to see if my headset/microphone works on my laptop (Windows Vista)?

Go to Start > Control Panel > Sound

In the Sound device manager window, right-click on your device and choose properties.

In the Properties window, choose the Levels tab and make sure that the Playback volume slider is above 90%.

Also make sure that it is NOT muted.

Don't see your headset device in the list? CLICK HERE

With the Playback tab still selected, right-click on your device and choose Test.

You should hear a test tone in your headphones and see the green levels bars activate on the right side

Click on the Recording tab and look for your headset/microphone in the list.

Right-click on the device and choose Properties.

In the Microphone Properties window, click on the Levels tab.

Make sure the microphone volume level slider is above 90%. Also make sure it is NOT muted.

If you make any changes, click on OK to save and close the window.

With the Recording tab of the Sound properties window still selected, you should be able to speak and see the green volume bars responding.





If you are not able to see your headset/microphone in the Sound Device window, right-click in the empty space below the list and check "Show Disabled" and "Show Disconnected" devices.

If you see your device on the list, but it is grayed out and/or showing disabled, right-click it and choose "Enable."